Mass Effect: Andromeda, the Disappointment Continues...

After it's lacklustre and lukewarm release full of funny/annoying bugs and glitches, shoddy facial animations and general lack of emotion. BioWare announced that support for the single player portion of the game was ending and would not be receiving any more updates past patch 1.10. By this point however a lot of the bugs that plagued the game at launch have been resolved but you'd be forgiven for thinking the fans had lost that bitter taste in their mouths. In a statement the other day the Mass Effect Andromeda Team said:

"...The game was designed to further expand on the Pathfinder's journey through this new galaxy with story-based APEX multiplayer missions and we will continue to tell stories in the Andromeda Galaxy through our upcoming comics and novels..." continuing, "...There are no planned future patches for single-player or in-game story content."

It was mentioned however that multiplayer content was still going to come out with new missions and character kits *coughs* for the money *coughs*.

This of course was met with much dismay from the fans of Andromeda and the Mass Effect franchise, with many disgruntled customers heading to Reddit to voice their rather negative opinions, with one user writing:

"F comics, F novels and especially F multiplayer. All i wanted was a DLC for the quarian ark and another one focused on the financial backer."

Another writing:

"For months I didn't want to believe it and hoped that they would come to their senses... I'm honestly feeling really betrayed right now as someone who has been a big fan of the franchise since Day 1. Especially since they alluded to DLC in the [f***ing] epilogue (the NPC who tells you about the Quarian Ark and says something like "Nothing new yet, Pathfinder. I'll let you know if I hear something!"). For them to have put that into the game and then just scrapped any DLC plans is not just irresponsible, but it's a slap in the face to their loyal fans. I think I may be done with EA/BioWare for good after this [sh**show]"

Of course, this Mass Effect game was not created by the same development team as the original trilogy, but the videos and promotional material released during the lead-up to its release painted the game in a very different light to the final release. Because of it's reception, the entire Mass Effect franchise was put on ice, putting on hold all plans for another series in the Andromeda Galaxy. Not only that but BioWare Montreal (the creators of Andromeda) were demoted from Leading Development Team to a Support Team, which later merged with another team, EA Motive.

In all this was a generally unfitting end to a well loved and critically acclaimed franchise. The final hope of any sort of closure lies in the paid-for multiplayer DLC, comics and novels still to come, and for those unwilling to shell out more on this game, it looks like it's going to be a long time before we see any more adventures into the Mass Effect Universe.

A link to the full statement by the Andromeda Team can be found here.